The Hacienda garden, with its elegance and grace, complements the restaurant perfectly. The garden is heated in the winter and transformed into a fashionable and pleasant summer garden with an open roof, regardless of the weather.
Welcome to the Hacienda restaurant garden whether you’re looking for a place to host a dinner party, a special occasion, a business conference, a formal celebration, or a place to unwind. Our chefs have chosen for you both traditional Bulgarian recipes and magnificent dishes from European and international cuisine, which are perfectly matched by a diverse assortment of excellent wines from Bulgaria and beyond.
Със своята елегантност и стил градина Hacienda е перфектното допълнение към ресторанта. Градината се отоплява през зимните месеци, а през летния сезон се превръща в стилна и уютна лятна градина с отварящ се покрив, независеща от метеорологичните условия.
Ако търсите място за вашата вечеря, вашия специален празник, бизнес среща, официално тържество или място където да разпуснете, заповядайте в градината на ресторант Hacienda. Нашите майстор готвачи са подбрали за вас както традиционни български рецепти, така и изискани ястия от европейската и световна кухня, отлично допълнени от богата селекция класни вина от България и чужбина.
Hacienda Restaurant is the place where you can enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, friendly and professional service, culinary delights, and a wide selection of wines and other beverages.
The menu features a variety of European and international cuisine dishes, as well as fresh fish and seafood, delicious barbecue, juicy beef steaks, fresh salads and appetizers, tempting desserts, and many other specialties at reasonable prices.
+359 888 129 300
Facebook page: Hacienda Restaurant
The Lobby Bar of Hotel Cosmopolitan offers a pleasant casual atmosphere where you can enjoy a relaxing drink or a refreshing cup of coffee with your business partners or friends. It offers 30 seats.
Pool & bar
Welcome to our oasis of pleasure. Enjoy this small but cosy water paradise that not only refreshes you but also provides a view of the surrounding city. With our bar nearby, you can relax by ordering your favorite cocktail and enjoying it in this beautiful setting.
Pool & Bar Hacienda – welcomes guests
Our event catering provides not only fine food and beverage, but also an integrated approach to decoration and service for weddings, corporate gatherings, birthdays, and other special events. Our goal is to relieve you of the stress of event planning, allowing you to fully enjoy it.
With years of experience and an innovative approach, we combine taste, style, and attention to detail to create a memorable event that reflects your distinct personality and vision. Trust us; we’ll make your special day even more memorable!
Work time
Monday – Sunday
from 08:00 to 23:00